If you are looking for an web hosting for your website, blog I was recommends you to check http://www.webhostingchoice.com because this is an great website for those who don’t know anything about good
web hosting around the world. The webhostingchoice is basically an search engine for finding an web host around the globe, There are also other good ways to use the site, including the advanced search, which lets you input a bunch of search parameters, and the plans directory, which lets you browse all the hosts that have a particular feature. I’m not sure about the “reseller hosting” button, because that just points you to HostGator, and I know there are a lot of other web hosts that offer reseller plans! In fact, that’s how most hosting directory sites stay afloat - they are actually resellers. I was a little surprised to find that my host, which is a major player on the market, wasn’t in their system at all, and neither are a couple of other hosts that I know of. I’m a little puzzled by their advanced search results, though. I put in for a host that was no more than $10/mo and $0 setup fee, with at least 5GB of space. After all I like this website very much and their amazing service because this is an new concept in the world of internet and also a relief to those who are worried about their hosting too!!